In the west, Moringa Oleifera is not familiar. However, there are some places where this tree already built up the reputation for the native lands because of the high nutritional value.
This is called the horseradish tree or the drumstick tree. It has a rounded leaves which is filled with nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, protein and calcium.
Some of the health researchers has given this tree names such as 'The Elixir of Long Life' and 'The Miracle Tree' because of the healing abilities that it possesses.
Here are the following benefits of the Moringa Oleifera to the health:
1. It serves as a cleaning material for the intestines that mops the intestines since it is rich in fiber.
2. It can eliminate bacteria that can cause gastritis, gastric cancer and ulcer. It is a very powerful antibiotic.
3. The seed of the said tree can be used to purify water. It has excellent results than most of the synthetic materials.
4. The leaves of this tree is rich in essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.
5. It has chlorogenic acid present that can slow down the process of absorption in the sugar cells.
6. It contains anti-cancer and anti-tumor effects that can be found in the compound, niaziminin.
7. In hyper-active thyroid, it can help in having proper regulation of the thyroid function.
This effects only proves that this is a highly medicinal plant.
Source: TheArtikuloUnoNews