An Old Farmer's Carabao Was Attacked By A Thief That Enraged The Social Media Users!

Carabaos are considered to be one of the most helpful animals in the farm. Not only that they help in the plowing of fields and served as a mean of transportation, this animals are also considered to be one of the most faithful companions of the people. 

They have been a part of the daily lives of the people. They have been a part of their family as well. 

An old man now mourns for what the heartless thieves did to his beloved Carabao. They chopped off the feet of the animal on the right side leaving it to pass away in the middle of the farm. 

This quickly got the attention of the netizens. They are enraged by this ruthless act that was done to an old man who loved his carabao so much. 

The netizens are now saying that they wanted to help this old man in order to buy a new carabao that would help him in the farm.

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