Baguio's Security Officer Is Among The New Lawyers Of The Philippines After Passing The ?Bar Exams!

Nothing can really stop a man who wanted to fulfill his dreams. No one can ever stop a man from fulfilling his dreams, even if it means working on daytime and studying on night time.

This man named Roy Lawagan works day shifts as a security guard at the Commission on Adult office in La Triniddad, Benguet Province and attends night classes at the Saint Louis University in Baguio City, yet he managed to fulfill his dreams of becoming a lawyer.

Roy Lawagan didn't lose hope in passing the bar exams since he hasn't gone to a review center yet. Instead, he decided to review on his own and took the 2015 bar exams.

This time, he was able to bring home the bacon after he found out that Roy Lawagan was among the 1,731 new lawyers of this country! 

Now that he's already a lawyer, he decided to quit his job as a security officer after his cousin offered him to work in a law firm in Manila. 

"Being a lawyer was my father's dream" He stated after revealing that he was the first lawyer in their family.
Source: Inquirer

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