Mukesh, a native of Sikar district in Rajasthan, crossed the barricade of the African lion enclosure despite warnings by the security staff, Nehru Zoological Park Curator Shivani Dogra said.
"The lioness (Radhika) was inside the enclosure but the person was rescued unhurt by its keeper R Papaiah,” the zoo officials said, adding the big cat had moved close to Mukesh but Papaiah diverted the lioness from him. “After preliminary enquiry it was found that Mukesh was in an inebriated state and had jumped inside the enclosure to go near the lion. He has been handed over to Bahadurpura Police,” Dogra said.
Police inspector Harish Kaushik said: "He told us he wanted to see the lions up close and shake hands with one of them.
"He is lucky enough to have survived.
"The zoo keepers told us that it was the time of the cats for their feed and they responded to their voice when called out.
"We have booked him but will again question him after he sobers up."
Mr Kumar works as a labourer with L&T Metro Rail in Hyderabad, he is original from Rajasthan in the north of India.