Sailors Found This Enormous Creature In The Sea And They Do Not Know What It Was! Shocking!

A group of sailors were stunned to find this gigantic carcass floating in the sea. 

At first they were hesitant to get a closer look of the said 'thing' that has been swimming in the vast ocean.

Some believed that it might be one of the terrifying sea monsters that is bound to attack the people who are in the sea. But they were wrong, when they decided to take a closer look they have found that it was indeed amazing. 

The Iranian Navy were in the Persian Gulf. They were just doing their jobs when this enormous creature floated beside their ship. 

"The blackened skin and vertebrae are a good giveaway," as writtedn by the user Unidan. "I wish the pictures were a bit bigger so I could wager a guess at what kind it was, but it's hard to make out."

Source: Diply

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