This Chinese Girl Carries Her Boyfriend To Save His Shoes

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The photo of chinese girl carries his boyfriend goes viral in facebook!

Is this the world's best girlfriend? Woman carries her boyfriend on her back while crossing a flooded street so 'he won't ruin his expensive leather shoes'

“I am wearing sandals so it doesn’t matter that I cross the waterlogged area. He is wearing leather shoes, which have to be washed laboriously [if they are soaked]. So, it is the easiest way that I load up with him to cross the water,” the girl said generously.

Soon the group of photos went viral on Chinese social media, where many netizens commented. Some thought the girl’s generous act was a sign of an affectionate couple, but others could not bear to see a girl carry a boy.

“I think they smile sweet, and love each other,” @Xiaoeyuhexiaopingguo.

“If I were her, I would not be able to withstand [my boyfriend]. I would unload him in the water. It is not intentional!” joked @Weinidakai1shanchuang.

“You need to value her. And are you male? Don’t you feel ashamed of being carried by your girlfriend,” @Wodelubupingfan angrily questioned.

If caught in rainstorm or snow, would you carry your boyfriend?

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Some people buy presents or go for a romantic meal but this girlfriend showed her devotion to her partner by carrying him through flood waters on June 4.

Bizarre photos have emerged of a woman in Wuhan carrying her boyfriend to make sure that he wouldn't ruin his expensive shoes, reports the People's Daily Online.

Wuhan in Hubei province has been hit hard by the heavy rains and flooding in the country.

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