Judy Ann Santos, also known as Judy Anne Lumagui Santos-Agoncillo in real life is a 40-year old actress, reality television host, recording artist, film producer, and a social media influencer. She was dubbed as the “Young Superstar" for she was said to be the heir of the Superstar Nora Aunor. She was also dubbed as the “Prime Superstar". She is happily married to Kristoffer Lou Gonzales Agoncillo professionally known as Ryan Agoncillo. He is an actor, model, singer, photographer, and TV host. They are blessed with three children named Johanna Louis (Yohan), Juan Luis (Lucho), and Juana Luisa (Luna).
Recently, their only son photos made rounds on different social media platforms. It actually gained countless positive comments and praises from the netizens. He looks so handsome like his father and his beautiful and gorgeous mother. Some netizens could not believe that Ryan and Judy Ann’s boy is now a handsome young man.
A lot of netizens also commented if Lucho will be a heartthrob or a heart breaker in the future. Some people also think if he will be following his mother or his father’s footsteps in the show business industry.
Judy Ann and Ryan serve as an inspiration to other couples and parents out there who just started a family and for those who need some parenting tips. Many people were also aware that Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo adopted Yohan even before she married Ryan Agoncillo that is why she was praised by a lot of people on how she explained it to her daughter. The veteran actress revealed in one of her interviews that she prayed to be a mother at the age of 26 and that she never planned to be married back then. But now, she is very happy and contented on their loving and happy family. Despite their family’s success they still manage to teach their "Anak" the importance of proper values, respect, and faith. Other Filipino families were also inspired and reminded to do the same to their children, despite the success, achievements, and money we all had we should always give time to our family, especially to our "anak" because they will only be young once.