Have you ever heard someone close to you promising everybody and promising himself to engage in a work out routine for so many times now and ended up nothing he has done until this day? It has been a very usual thing to many people eat a lot, and eat everything they wanted and promised themselves to exercise and workout the next day. But it was never easy as it seems to be. Why is it so good to eat a lot of foods we wanted and so hard to burn all of those foods after?
Maybe this man could inspire many of us to somehow take care a little bit more for our body and most especially our health. Sean Seah posted a month ago that he will be doing a “One Man Punch Challenge” on his social media account trying to inspire a lot more people to do the same. At his first day, he weighed 70-kilo kilograms, Visceral Fat 10 and 40 as his body age.
He documented every single day of his workout and he started at level 5 with a 5-kilometer run, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 50 squads. It was on his 17th day when he noticed that he was not losing weight anymore and the process just become stagnant, he leveled up the intensity of his work out routine into level 7, with a 7-kilometer run, 70 push-ups, 50 70-ups, and 70 squads. When he reached day 22 he was already on the 9th level with a 9-kilometer run, 90 push-ups, 90 sit-ups, and 90 squads. At Day 23 he was already at level 10 with 100 counts of push-ups, 100 counts of sit-ups, 100 counts of squads and 10-kilometer run.
After his 30 days challenge, he admitted that he did not become a bodybuilder but he was still very satisfied with the results because at Day 30, he is only 65 kilograms, with Visceral Fats 8.5, and a Body Age of 36. It was also noticeable that he already had those abs that many of us had been dreaming about for so long. After the challenge, he decided that he will be running for 3 to 4 times a week with some gym routine.
It was a great inspiration to a lot of people especially nowadays that people often forget to burn all the foods they eat and just eat everything they wanted to eat without taking care of their body inside especially their health state. No matter how busy we are, we should always give time to our own body even just for 30 to 1 hour every 24-hours of our days, 7 days a week. Our body will greatly appreciate it that we tend to take care of them as well for a healthier and longer life we could have not just for ourselves but for our families and loved ones as well.