Woman Who Requested Help From Raffy Tulfo Earned Negative Reactions From Netizens

Our family is one of our greatest inspiration and motivations as we strive harder to achieve our goals in life. They are also our top priorities more than anyone else. We give great importance to our family’s every single day. We ensure that our family has sufficient foods, strong and safe shelter, and safe from any harm or danger.

Filipino families are also known to have closed-family ties ever since and it actually became our values to live with our parents even if we already have our own families and children. But this viral video of the popular broadcast journalist Raffy Tulfo  about an old woman and her daughter went viral and garnered a lot of negative comments from the public.

Raffy Tulfo was known to have a kind and generous heart to people who are less fortunate and needy. And on his viral video, he wanted to help an old woman named Nanay Rosa to have a safer house as her home is situated in a danger zone. The old woman lives together with her daughter named Jolly who has eight children along with her husband whose job is a “potpot” driver. They are eleven in the family and it was really hard for them to support their family’s needs as Jolly doesn’t have a job because she actually experienced backache whenever she does work or even doing laundry.

Raffy Tulfo wanted to help them by giving them a monthly allowance of 5,000 pesos for their apartment fee. But Jolly asked if Raffy can still add some more financial help as their family also needed money to pay for their electricity and water bill. The kind-hearted and generous host agreed to give them 7,500 pesos monthly including the maintenance medicine of Nanay Rosa.

But Jolly added that her old mother also wanted a necklace from him that is not a fake necklace but a genuine one because her mother has sensitive skin when she wears fake jewelry that is why they wanted a gold necklace, a gold pair of earrings, a gold watch and a gold bracelet as well. Netizens could not help it but be mad because of those things they asked.

They could have been grateful enough that they will be safe now as there is a good Samaritan who helped them already to relocate them. It seems that they wanted so much more from him and many people especially the netizens don’t like the way they asked so many things from Raffy Tulfo who just wanted nothing but for them to have a safe home for their family.

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