90-Year-Old Woman Got Pregnant After Long Years Of Praying!

It is the wish of every grandparent to see or witness their grandchildren. It gives them a sense of joy and happiness. 

But an unbelievable story of a woman that already has fourteen children named Margaret Allen who lives in Boone County, West Virginia is bound to shock you. 

She claims that she never got the chance to have any grandchildren. This is the statement that she gave to the smhwtfnews.com. 

Margaret also said that God always answers her prayers. She wished for another baby to be conceive in her tummy. The baby that she can treat as her grandchild. 

The doctors already said that it is impossible to happen at her age of 90 years old. She chose a 22 year old man to sleep with her to be able to create a child. She kept on praying and praying. 

After years of constantly praying, Margaret is already 5 months pregnant and she will be naming her child Miracle.

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