Strange Creature Found Dead by Firefighters

Dead Unknown Creature Found In River in paraguay
a firefighters found a strange creature dcomposing a body of a creature that none of them could identify. This being South America,

The immediate reaction was "Chupacabra!" but others thought it might be a space alien or new different kind of animal. so what is it?

According to local official reports, the body was found near the shore of the river, it is not clear whether they discovered it, but a group of volunteer firefighters were among the first to examine the body of strange creature, their initial speculation was that the creature was part of human possibly an ape not from the local area.

A Medical Expert examiner who examined the viral photos was unable to determine what it might be.

Local witnesses who viewd the body and those who saw it on the internet speculated it might be a chupacabra, an alien, an beast or unknown cryptid, an ape or some sort of humanoid,

As of this writing, they were waiting for a formal autopsy to be conducted to determine what the volunteer firefighters has found.

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