The Best Player Who Never Made It to the NBA , The Story of Wes Leonard

How will you handle that moment of triumph or success then minutes later you will witness a sad story. In the state of Michigan in Fennville, a school has witnessed a tragedy on their 16-year-old basketball player. Wes Leonard was Fennville’s football player and star basketball player as he plays the point guard.

It was the last regular season for Fennville High and after winning this game against Bridgman, this will give them the chance to play for the finals. Students, teachers, and relatives were cheering for this game, and they get all hyped up as the game made the Fennville ahead by 20 points on the first quarter.

Until they got tied at 55-55 which called for overtime. On this last chance to steal the moment, Wes was given a smooth pass on the opponent’s court, and took this chance for a two-point lay-up which ended the game in their favor, and had given them the ticket to go to the finals for a score of 57-55.
The crowd cheered and shouted for this success, they even cheered specifically for Wes and thanked him for that last shot which made them win, but minutes later, the crowd’s atmosphere has changed.

Wes collapsed and space was made around him, people panicked, his brother and parents rushed towards him to check what has been the problem, and there they saw Wes on the floor breathless.
Things happened so fast, that when they rushed Wes to the hospital, it was already too late. Doctors found out that this tragedy was due to a heart attack and Wes already has an enlarged heart. Fennville High School community was in mourning, and you can see wall posters in the school showing their love for Wes, and to pay tribute, the basketball players wore a shirt with a text “Never Forgotten” in front and at the back is Wes’ surname with his Jersey number.

The team invited Wes’ brother to play for the finals, and with the loss that they still feel, the team lost 86-62 to Schoolcraft. A lot of people still feel regret and disappointment to Wes’ early passing, for he still has a lot of promise. But all we can do is send him our prayers.

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